Following yet another alarm from Svimez, relaunched by the press, the PD group in the Regional Council expresses deep concern that this could be interpreted as a new and serious act of hostility by the national government towards Southern Italy.
“The forecast of cuts of 5.3 billion euros in the two-year period 2025-27, as highlighted by Svimez – say the Dem councilors – represents a very serious blow to the southern regions, already heavily disadvantaged compared to the rest of the country and awaiting interventions structural. The economic maneuver currently under discussion in Parliament puts the future of the South at serious risk, depriving it of the funds necessary to bridge the gap with the rest of the country and the unions are right to raise their voices and announce a season of protests”.
“These new cuts – continues the note from the PD group – combined with the absence of strategic investments for the South, the subtraction of transport resources and the government’s intention to continue with differentiated autonomy, risk further sink the southern regions into a condition of social and economic inequality. Precisely that condition that continues to fuel emigration and depopulation of the territory, a preamble to a crisis whose end is in sight.”
“Finally, what is worrying – concludes the dem note – is that this choice is only the latest in a series of measures that damage the South, an area already afflicted by historic infrastructural deficiencies, high unemployment and migration of young talents. The approval of the maneuver without a rebalancing plan is a clear sign of a lack of vision on the part of the government, which does not seem to consider the South as a priority or, even worse, an enemy to be definitively defeated. All in the complete inertia of the regional government which continues to live in the enchanted world of governor Occhiuto’s social media and endorses every choice made by Meloni and allies, including that of differentiated autonomy. As a party, in all its components, we will take immediate action to undertake every useful initiative to block this new theft.”