Assemblies, principals, meetings with local institutions are at the center of the mobilization of workers in Tim's contracted customer care service. This was announced by the national secretariat of Slc Cgil which, together with FistelCisl and UilcomUil, had already the strike for the entire shift of workers has been announced for next Monday, March 18th who risk being left without work. The unions are covering prefectures, regions, provinces and all interested municipalities to involve them in a dispute that affects 5 thousand workers in the cities of Livorno, Pomezia, Rome, Matera, Cosenza, Catanzaro, Crotone, Palermo, Cagliari, Olbia, employed by companies such as Abramo CC, Ennova, Gruppo Distribuzione, Konecta, which have been involved for years in managing Tim's customers, fixed and mobile, residential and business. These are companies that since last month – the unions explain in a note – have faced a drastic drop in business volumes but which now, with the contraction in demand continuing, want to access income support measures and are starting the access procedures to social safety nets. The cause of the collapse in calls would be the fallout from the digitalisation process which the union faced with site-by-site negotiations. «In the absence of structural tools that can accompany this process, we have equipped ourselves with the bilateral solidarity fund – SlcCgil FistelCisl and UilcomUil write in a joint note – precisely to face the transformation that has affected the sector».
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