On the one hand the objective of reducing precarious employment, on the other that of strengthening the administrative capacity of the Region. The new moves along these two lines Demand plan for the three-year period 2023-2025 approved by the Regional Council. «The concept of requirement – he explains Filippo Pietropaolo, councilor with responsibility for Personnel – refers to the contingent of personnel necessary for the realization of the objectives of this regional administration, also aimed at ensuring efficient services to the community. Therefore, through the new hires we will equip ourselves with professional skills that better respond to the needs of the regional body, with a view to better organizing work aimed at the objectives to be achieved, also in reference to the implementation of the projects financed by the National Recovery Plan and resilience. The investment of the Plan amounts to 7.3 million, to which must be added another 5 million of the so-called decree first signed by MP Cannizzaro. The commitment we make, together with President Occhiuto and the Council, is to regenerate the regional administrative machine and this – adds Pietropaolo – can only happen through the valorisation of professionalism and acquired merit”.
In detail, for 2023 the plan establishes 250 vertical progressions between the different categories: from A to B, from B to C, from C to D. Competitions are planned for 88 new hires with the following profiles and this division of posts: 19 auditors , 10 computer scientists, 10 programmer analysts, 5 statisticians, 5 communication experts, 30 experts in programming, management and reporting of community funds, 5 forestry agronomists, 4 destined for the Health department thanks to the provisions of the Calabria decree. Another 198 figures of instructors and administrative and technical officials will be hired through the use of the rankings of competitions already completed. The program also includes 60 stabilizations and 6 new hires for instructors, pursuant to law 68/99, in reference to Directive 1 of 2019 “Victims of mafia and organized crime”. Furthermore, 5 new managers were hired. As regards 2024, the needs program defines mobility for 25 people and further assignments. The choice to entrust the selection activities once again to Formez Pa should protect the competition procedures from the risk of undue interference.
Read the complete article in the paper edition of Gazzetta del Sud – Calabria