«The concern is great, the resignation is growing more and more for all the professionals who have always demonstrated self-sacrifice and commitment, as the imminent deadlines for the orders (30 June) and the extraordinary administration (8 August) are now close». This was underlined by the general secretary of the CISL, Luigi Sbarraregarding the dispute of the Abramo Customer Care company which concerns approximately 1100 workers located in the provinces of Catanzaro, Crotone and Cosenza.
«We cannot allow – explains Sbarra – thousands of jobs to be lost in a complicated area with one of the highest unemployment rates. It is urgent that all those who have responsibility for the dispute, starting with Tim, take action to avoid the shutdown of the activity by ensuring continuity of production and employment. It is necessary first of all to quickly find the solution to deal with the immediate situation, implementing the extensions of the contracts and at the same time creating the conditions to carry out the ambitious project that the Calabria region has proposed relating to the digitalisation and dematerialisation of the Public Administration. We therefore urgently ask the Ministry of Business and Mady in Italy for a specific table, as already requested jointly by the categories, with the social partners in the presence of Tim's top management and the President of the Calabria Region”.
«The silence of Minister Urso and Minister Calderone on the affair of the Calabrian company Abramo is no longer acceptable: it is necessary to intervene to break a deadlock that risks imploding at any moment. More generally, for the world of telecommunications and, above all, for the more difficult world of call centers, there is little or nothing.” This was stated by the general secretary of Uil, Pierpaolo Bombardieriand the general secretary of Uilcom, Except Ugliarolo, asking the government to be summoned and to guarantee continuity for over a thousand workers. For the Abraham dispute, «we have only read many statements, but nothing that gives a real perspective to this reality and to the thousands of people who work in it. No one can think of leaving these people to their fate, condemning them together with their territory to manage this social bomb. We also need to intervene with clients to ensure operational continuity. Minister Urso had committed to starting a discussion on the entire supply chain as well: we are still waiting for this table. The world of call centers continues to experience enormous inconsistencies in working relationships with many clients, including public ones, who do not respect national contracts and use low-cost tenders. The government summons us”, they conclude.