The Vibo publisher Renato Costa once again confirms its presence at the Turin International Book Fair which will take place from 9 to 13 May. Guest of the institutional stand of the Calabria Region, Edizioni Beroe will tell the public of the Turin event about the activities carried out in recent months. Two important topics will be covered: the audiobook as a tool capable of breaking down the sensorial barriers that limit traditional reading and learning through the use of a book. The other topic will be the importance of culture capable of bringing work through the creation of projects for the territory, also becoming an important tool for the tourist promotion of a locality.
Edizioni Beroe is preparing to face an eighth year full of cultural initiatives and important institutional projects to complete. The editor's comment: “Culture, if not abused, can offer job opportunities by exploiting local human resources and offering added value to projects carried out for the territory. It is always a pleasure to return to Turin and talk about oneself in the most important Italian publishing event prestigious. Being able to do it in an institutional stand also means demonstrating the quality of the products produced. As far as I am concerned, the institutions are the fundamental pillars that support the credibility of a civilized people. It is a privilege to be able to collaborate with the Public Administration in the creation of cultural projects functional to the community. This eighth year will lead Edizioni Beroe to promote culture also as an important resource for welfare and tourism”.