A real political tsunami has hit the mayor Giuseppe Cavallaro. After the choice to revoke the delegations of the councilors, while waiting for a new decision, the “Villafranca Bene Comune” group distanced itself from the mayor. The group withdrew its councillors, i.e. the two members of the municipal council Barbara Di Salvo And Gianfranca Alessialso remitting the delegation of the vice president of the city council, Pietro Costagiorgiano.
“We can no longer support the Cavallaro Administration, already forgiven several times for non-compliance, unjustified jealousy, delays and missed objectives – declares “Villafranca Bene Comune” -. The time has come for a decisive stance, which is also an appeal to all city councilors and administrators who share this inevitable reflection with us. We apologize to our citizens and supporters if we waited, perhaps too long, to understand that it is no longer possible to continue with this political-administrative project. We wish the mayor to find the best path for a future administration.”
The document is signed by Gianfranca Alessi, Barbara Di Salvo, Matteo De Marco, Salvatore Puglia, Pietro Costagiorgiano, Andrea Alizzi And Gianfranco Ammendolia. Naturally, the mayor is expected to reflect on the reasons for this crisis and on the decisions he intends to take in light of the latest news.