During one of the last “Roots” traveling meetings of Forza Italia, in the presence of the regional secretary Francesco Cannizzarothe birth of a new political container to strengthen Forza Italia has been announced, this is the political movement for cultural and tourism promotion, or “Calabria Azzurra”.
This new movement on a regional basis was launched by the Regional Councilor of Forza Italia, Antonello Talerico. “Calabria Azzurra” will already be present in the next municipal elections of Lamezia Terme (and other municipalities throughout the Region), in support of the centre-right area, thus allowing the candidacy of many valid administrators given the countless new members of the party of Forza Italia, which is cannibalizing opponents and allies.
“Calabria Azzurra” aims to become a political entity capable of making a strong contribution also in identifying mayoral candidates in the various Calabrian municipalities.
«The “Calabria Azzurra” movement – explains Talerico – was born from the desire to strengthen the entire centre-right area and to strengthen the sense of belonging to the territory, to the Radici as Forza Italia has wanted to underline in recent days thanks to the initiative of the regional coordinator Francesco Cannizzaro”.
One of the first branches of Calabria Azzurra will be opened in Lamezia Terme, which has already seen the participation of important political groups in many Calabrian municipalities. In the case of the city of Lamezia Terme which will face the municipal elections in 2025, we are already able to indicate who will be involved in the formation of the list.
They will be Francesco De Sarroformer president of the municipal council of Lamezia Terme (city secretary of “Calabria Azzurra”) and Franco Mastroianniformer municipal councilor of Lamezia Terme and former provincial councilor (city president of “Calabria Azzurra”).