Calabria, businesses hostage to bureaucracy


By John

A mosaic with disconnected pieces. Disrupted by an awkward and slow bureaucracy that sends entrepreneurship into trouble. The rain of funds destined for the South and Calabria – with a boom in contracts in the Municipalities – risks being channeled elsewhere. And the “magic” acronym – Pnrr – which has filled the political stands and parliamentary reports, seems destined to remain an empty fashionable heading. Something is wrong with the system and the regional president of the Home Builders Association, Giovan Battista Perciaccante, he says this by banging his fists on the table. No one knows better than him the difficulties faced by regional businesses. The historic exponent of Confindustria prefers the scimitar to foil to denounce a disheartening picture. «The bureaucracy in the public administration is very slow and companies are suffering. This is not only in relation to the Pnrr quota financing but also with the other funds allocated in recent years. The institutions do not pay and the companies have enormous liquidity problems.”
The blade brandished by Perciaccante still sinks into the exposed wound: «The offices must function, we need qualified personnel, young technicians. We are losing the best of the technicians who are leaving, who go to work elsewhere. It’s not possible: we need a generational change, smart kids, not people who slow down practices.”
The tongue beats where the tooth hurts, says an old joke and the president of the ANCE does not stop attacking. «Calabria was the recipient of the majority of the Pnrr funds (and not only), but now I have the vague feeling that due to our inability these funds were not spent except to a small extent and could now be diverted from other parts, to other areas of the Peninsula. The Pnrr is the last opportunity we have but we are unable to put the works on the ground. The peripheral administrations are not equipped with technicians and therefore the municipalities that have obtained funding amounting to millions of euros are floundering.”