Calabria, the regional council against educational poverty


By John

The regional council unanimously approved the bill, initiated by the regional council, containing “Provisions for the integrated education and training system from birth to six years”. «A law that supports children's rights – said the rapporteur Pasqualina Straface (FI) -, promotes the psychophysical development and adequate educational growth of girls and boys, as subjects with rights, without any distinction of gender, sex, ethnicity, age, disability and religious orientation of families, guaranteeing equal opportunities for education, instruction, care, relationship and play”. In her report Straface expressed words of appreciation for the action of Giusy Princi, «who with authority, determination and passion, has brought forward this bill which will represent a turning point for Calabria». From the minority, Amalia Bruni (Pd) recognized that with the approval of this law «the Region acquires its own role in the governance of an integrated education-education system, from birth to 6 years in line with national legislation».