Road traffic on state road 113, Messina Palermo, near the Piscittina district of Capo d’Orlando was blocked for an hour. A truck from a Polish company got its right front wheel stuck in a ditch on the curve leading up to the road which goes up to the Amola district and then from here to Naso. The traffic police of the main city (Gugliotta, Orifici, Campisi and De Salvo) intervened on site and, thanks also to local volunteers, managed to help the Polish driver free the large truck. During the traffic stop, traffic was diverted onto the parallel road Via dei Limoni where it appears the truck was headed from the Brolo junction.

John, founder of Odnako, combined his journalism degree with technical expertise to revolutionize global news consumption. Before Odnako's 2011 launch, he gained diverse experience across the media and tech fields, setting a solid foundation for his mission to provide comprehensive, unbiased news. His vision and leadership have since established Odnako as a trusted, innovative news platform worldwide.