Carabinieri checks in the Gioia Tauro plain: eight reported


By John

The interventions by the Carabinieri soldiers continue and, in the month of March alone, they referred several people deemed guilty of various crimes. In fact, there are many areas of intervention of the Carabinieri which deal, among other things, with repressing and preventing crimes.
The Carabinieri station Gioia Tauro in fact, following a targeted inspection service on public establishments, the owner of a bar was released into custody because the absence of an electricity meter was found inside, thus ascertaining the presence of an illegal connection to the electricity for an estimated damage of around 15 thousand euros. Hundreds of packets of cigarettes and several grams of so-called “light” cannabis were also found within the same business, despite the absence of a sales license for the aforementioned products. The place was therefore closed and the owner was referred and was sanctioned with an administrative measure amounting to thousands of euros.
The Station Melicucco has carried out specific services aimed at monitoring labor regulations, carrying out checks on productive, industrial and commercial activities. Following the completion of these services, the owner of a local market was referred to the judicial authorities as he had employed an illegal worker. The laws describing the envisaged legislation are different, including the provisions on irregular work and the Consolidated Law on safety in the workplace which requires the employer to carry out a suitability visit for specific tasks, a planned training course training on safety in the workplace. For these reasons the owner was reported and fines worth approximately 15 thousand euros were contested.
Also in Melicucco, three people were released into custody for receiving stolen goods following a check carried out on a non-EU citizen on board a bicycle belonging to a bike-sharing service. The vehicle, which did not have a GPS, SIM card or anti-theft device, had its serial numbers abraded.
TO RosarnoFurthermore, three other people were referred to the Judicial Authority for violation of the obligations of the Judicial Authority and for arbitrary exercise of their rights with violence. The Tenenza Carabinieri then carried out checks on environmental matters, reporting a local citizen for the burning of 4 rubber tires and two others who, by tampering with the meter, were subtracting electricity from the public grid.
With reference to the aforementioned referrals, since these are measures in the preliminary investigation phase, subsequent evaluations during the trial remain unaffected.