First day of work a Palazzo De Nobili for the new city councilorswho have begun to take stock of the challenge that awaits them, meeting managers and staff of their respective sectors. Giorgio Arcuri at the Environment, Nunzio Belcaro at Public Education and Sport, Giusy Pino at Social Policies are the new entries appointed by the mayor Nicola Fiorita at the end of the long journey of the enlargement of the majority, which culminated precisely in the reshuffle of the executive just over a year after taking office in the Municipality.
What changes in the Council
Arcuri and Belcaro’s entry into the Giunta leads to their exit from the civic assembly; there is in fact incompatibility between the roles of councilor and assessor. As happened for Giusy Iemma and Donatella Monteverdi who left the courtroom in July 2022 and entered in their place, for the dem group, Igea Caviano, for Cambiavento the same Belcaro, the same will happen now. Arcuri will be replaced by the first of the unelected in the Riformisti Avanti list (the opposition list in which the new councilor was elected and who then left to go and support the majority), Francesco Antonio Assisi, who is already ready to join the formation Catanzaro al Centro, which belongs to Antonello Talerico, thus leaving the numerical balances conquered with so much effort unchanged. Instead, Alberto Carpino will take Belcaro’s place in the Cambiavento group.