Catanzaro, the Prime Minister Bosco and the guarantor of the prisoners Giacobbe visiting the penitentiary institutions for Christmas greetings


By John

A morning of institutional visits to wish happy holidays to the directors and operators of the prison facilities and to all the people detained or restricted. The president of the municipal council Gianmichele Bosco and the Municipal Guarantor of the rights of prisoners and persons deprived of personal liberty, Luciano Giacobbefirst stopped at the Siano penitentiary institute and then also greeted the young and very young guests of the penal institute for minors and the juvenile ministerial community, led respectively by Francesco Pellegrino And Massimo Martelli.
“Even close to Christmas – comment Bosco and Giacobbe – we did not want to lack the closeness of the municipal administration to all those who are part of these difficult and complex realities, underlining once again how important it is to cultivate moments of sharing and dialogue interinstitutional. It is necessary, in order for the re-educational courses to exert their effects in the best possible way, that we become increasingly aware of the role that these measures play in the context of social reintegration. The administration, which has intended to bring the issue of protecting the rights of prisoners back to the center of attention, stands alongside all those involved in this journey, hoping for ever greater sharing and openness of the territory towards prison situations”.