Corigliano Rossano, terrible crash between a motorbike and a car on the state road 106. 40-year-old entrepreneur dies


By John

More blood on state road 106. The motorcyclist who was involved in a terrible road accident this morning did not make it at the point where the road crosses the Lampa Bucita district. The impact was so terrible that the intervention of the helicopter rescue was necessary for the motorcyclist to be transferred to the Annunziata in Cosenza. But upon arrival at the hospital he died. The victim is Umberto Graziano, a well-known building contractor in the city.

An ambulance from 118, a patrol of the Carabinieri from the territorial department of Corigliano Rossano and the Highway Police intervened on the spot and carried out the surveys. Anas personnel were also at work. Traffic, in both directions, remained blocked until 11 in the morning.

Messages of condolence

Many messages of condolence on social media: “Our city today mourns another friend who left too soon. Respectful, kind, polite, always ready with a greeting!!! Bye Umberto Grazianoprotect your children and your dear wife. Condolences”. And again: “You left and left a huge void inside us. There are no words, only tears and pain. You were one of the best people I have ever known, an exemplary husband and father, I wish this was just a bad nightmare. You will always be in our hearts”