Cosenza, nightmare in via degli Stadi: a pit bull bites a dog and two people


By John

A man and his dog, a Cavalier king, were walking together yesterday morning, in via degli Stadi, not far from the new Città 2000 roundabout. A different Saturday, with the scent of Christmas in the air and the usual concert of horns on disorderly streets invaded by queued cars. Suddenly, however, the gates of hell opened up for the man and his dog in the form of a stray pit bull who suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of them. The man feared for his dog and sought shelter in a nearby business. It seemed like the right place to safely spend the wait for that molossian to go away. And instead, the pit bull remained there, as if it had to guard that area. And when the door of the place opened to allow access to some customers, the dog burst into the place, ferociously aiming at the spaniel. At that point, the owner tried to run away with his dog in his arms but the pit bull chased them. The molossian managed to bite the little dog’s paw before the man managed to place him in a car. At that point, the stray attacked both the dog’s owner and a woman who owned the car. Both suffered leg injuries. Their screams attracted the attention of a municipal police patrol who promptly intervened, managing to block the stray dog ​​and entrust it to the kennel. The man and woman were treated while the “Cavalier king” lost his paw. Mayor Franz Caruso also went to the site of the attack to inspect and check on the conditions of the injured.
Yesterday morning’s attack is destined to reawaken ancient conflicts between those in favor and those against the ownership of dogs such as pit bulls. Disagreements between two different ways of understanding friendship with molossoids, especially when this friendship ends and the dogs end up abandoned, perhaps after having been trained to become more aggressive.