“On the dear school, the Region intends to protect families and therefore students”. That’s what he says Giusi Princi, vice president of the Calabria Region with responsibility for education. “Together with the other measures envisaged to protect families for the new school year – he specifies – we have provided scholarships linked to the Isee model, to income as well as to merit, to be assigned to high school students, directly through their parents, in order to support them to meet the costs incurred for the purchase of books, school kits, travel passes for commuter students.Since our establishment, we have faced the problem of supporting the costs faced by families to protect their children’s right to education. To achieve this goal, we worked to integrate the new program. With the old Por, in fact, it became difficult to predict this measure as the beneficiaries of the funding were directly the educational institutions; with the new program , now nearing completion, we have foreseen that the recipients of the actions, aimed at the inclusion and protection of the right to study, together with the schools, are also, and directly, the families”.
“All administrative operations relating to the granting of scholarships will therefore be managed by the regional education department”, adds Princi. “I remind you that the Calabria Region – finally points out the vice president – has invested huge resources on the Regional Observatory for the right to study, an important tool that will allow us to know the state of health of the school world in certain territories and the different situations hardship of families, often the cause of dropping out of school. I thank the Families Forum, which yesterday, through a press release, acknowledged this change of pace and for drawing attention to some problems still to be resolved but on which, together to President Occhiuto, we are committed to being able, starting from next school year, to contribute to guaranteeing more and more scholastic inclusion and the opportunities that protect the right to study for all Calabrian students”.