On the occasion of European Heritage Dayson Saturday 23 September at 5.30pm for the first time the archaeologists of the Abap Superintendency for the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria and Vibo Valentia will open the gates of the construction site in Piazza Garibaldi in Reggio Calabria, to illustrate to the citizens the results, albeit still partial, of the archaeological excavations. The excavation activity is financed by the municipal administration, with funds from the Pacts for the South and followed by the Public Works and Culture sectors.
The objective of the opening of the excavation area is to start a dialectical path of participatory construction of knowledge and identity, visitors will have the opportunity to be guided through a short path that will allow them to enjoy the exciting vision of one of the most important monuments of the city from the Roman era.
“We consider this edition of the European Heritage Days really important – he says Irene Calabrò – the new discovery of Piazza Garibaldi will further enrich our cultural offer in the city, with historical implications still to be discovered and appreciated. This year too – he adds – our membership will be completed with other dedicated events such as: the extraordinary opening of the Art Gallery which is also hosting the Lego exhibition, the opening of the Aragonese Castle with the Alinari exhibition. Finally – he concludes – the sites of the Greek Walls and the Roman Baths will also be open, from 9:00 to 13:00″.
Specifically, the municipal art gallery will be open on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th September from 10.30am to 7.00pm; the Aragonese Castle will be open on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th September from 4pm to 8pm. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning the events organized by the “Heritage Community monumental staircase of via Giudecca”, with a walk among the most significant places of the city: starting from the National Archaeological Museum at 5.00 pm, and then going to the Odeion of via July 24th, to arrive at the staircase in Via Giudecca around 8:00 pm.