From mothers and transport bonuses to the “Dedicated to you” shopping card, here are the subsidies for 2024


By John

From mothers and transport bonuses to the “Dedicated to you” shopping card, here are the subsidies for 2024

2.13 billion in bonuses and incentives arriving in 2024. Assoutenti reminds us of this by providing a map of the interventions:

Working mothers bonus

Decontribution for approximately 800 thousand working mothers which will lead to a salary advantage of up to 1,700 euros net per year. Cost: 570 million euros.

Shopping card “Dedicated to you”

Contribution intended for citizens with ISEE below 15 thousand euros, to be used for the purchase of food and basic necessities. funds allocated for 600 million euros.

Transport Bonus

A contribution of 60 euros for the purchase of season tickets for public transport and for rail transport reserved for citizens with ISEE up to 15 thousand euros and holders of the “Dedicated to you” social card, which includes the funds dedicated to this bonus.

Nursery bonuses

Incentive up to a maximum of 3,600 euros for families with a minor under 10 and an ISEE of up to 40 thousand euros, for public and private nursery schools, and for forms of home support for children under 3 years of age suffering from serious chronic diseases. funds for 240 million euros.

Extraordinary contribution on electricity bills

Valid for the first three months of 2024, this bonus is only available to holders of the Social Electricity Bonus for economic hardship, with an amount diversified based on the number of members of the family unit. Funds for 200 million euros.

Psychologist Bonus

Subsidy up to a maximum of 1,500 euros intended for citizens with ISEE not exceeding 50 thousand euros, to support people in conditions of anxiety, stress, depression and psychological fragility. funds for 8 million euros.

Culture card and the Merit card

Both of 500 euros, cumulative: the first is linked to income (maximum ISEE of 35 thousand euros), the second to the achievement of a maximum grade of 100 on the high school leaving exam. Funds for 190 million euros.

Mortgage bonus under 36

There will no longer be the mortgage bonus under 36, a benefit for those who had an ISEE of less than 40 thousand euros which provided for exemption from paying taxes when purchasing their first home (registration, land registry and mortgage taxes) but there will be a guarantee public up to 80% reserved for citizens under the age of 36 with ISEE within 40 thousand euros who require financing for the purchase of their first home. Funds for 282 million euros.

Charging column bonus: contribution equal to 80% of the purchase price and installation of the infrastructure for charging electric vehicles with a maximum limit of 1,500 euros for private users and up to 8,000 euros for condominium buildings. 40 million euros.

Building bonuses

Finally, there are also deductions from the building bonuses in 2024.

Super bonus

The superbonus will continue to exist but with a 70% deduction and will be reserved exclusively for condominiums. An amnesty is foreseen which will allow to avoid the repayment of the sums for those who have not completed the works by 31 December 2023.


50% deduction for a maximum expense of 96 thousand euros per real estate unit. The deduction rises to 70 or 80% if following the works a reduction in seismic risk of 1 or 2 classes is achieved.


50% deduction for expenses up to 60 thousand euros for the replacement of windows and fixtures, as well as solar shading or biomass boilers.

Furniture bonuses

50% deduction for expenses up to 5 thousand euros for the purchase of furniture and some types of household appliances.