The talk hosted by returns at 8.30pm on Rtp Scirocco Emilio Pintaldi. Two steps. In the first, the CEO of the Strait of Messina will be a guest 24 hours after the approval by the Board of Directors of the Strait of Messina of the report updating the Strait bridge project Pietro Ciucci.
In the second we will talk about youth violence. Live connections are scheduled from Piazza Cairoli conducted by Tiziana Caruso which will have the councilor for youth policies as guests Liana Cannata, representatives of Youth council and movement Not one less, between Giuseppe Maggiore and Giuseppe Silvestro which deals with migrant minors.
Among the guests in the studio is the sociologist Marco Centorrinothe parish priest of Bordonaro Father Severinothe former guarantor of children’s rights Fabius Constantinethe parish priest of the Orthodox church Giovanni Amante, Maurizio Galati of Usip Uil. Also present were several high school students and rappers Antonio Interdonato and Gianluca Cannaò and the world martial arts champion Kevin Sciuto.