Infrastructure funds diverted to the North, Occhiuto: “Low maintenance in the South and risk of depopulation”


By John

The president of Calabria Roberto Eyey (Forza Italia) shares the Bankitalia study according to which the climate crisis will especially affect companies in the South. «Those of the Mediterranean are already the poorest regions e where there is a general depopulation: there is a lack of land maintenance and institutions alone are unlikely to be able to do what man did spontaneously», he says in an interview with La Repubblica. On climate change, “to deny the effect is to deny the evidence.” «Climate change and desertification are recurring themes for us».

On the funds of the Pnrr intended for the Calabrian Municipalities and cut by the government, reveals that «most of the resources, 98%, is for municipal projects that had not yet been started». “I have heard some presidents of the North asking for a recalculation, to have more funds for them: it is absolutely unacceptable – attacks the governor -. Also because the purpose of the Pnrr was also to bridge the gaps between different areas». Occhiuto does not believe that with differentiated autonomy the gap between North and South will increase. «In the Calderoli text – he says – there is the wagon of autonomy, another is the Lep, still another equalization. With these two wagons, the South takes advantage of it». On the future of Forza Italia, the regional president argues that “we need to grasp the ‘sentiment’ of young people who do not want to vote for the centre-left but have a secular conception”. After Berlusconi, we need to focus “on this identity: on environmental issues, on the issue of migrants”. “We will be the ones who can say what Lega and FdI cannot say”.