Lamezia City Council, green light for the settlement of accounts. On Autonomy, nothing has been done


By John

The City Council meeting was long and detailed, with several items on the agenda approved, despite a few absences, perhaps too many, and some movement among the benches during the meeting.
The general budget adjustment and the safeguarding of balances for 2024 were approved with 10 votes in favour, following the report by the assessor Sandro Zaffina and despite the 3 votes against of the few opponents present (Rosario Piccioni, Lucia Cittadino, Mimmo Gianturco, While Roger Pegna expressed himself in favor) and, somewhat surprisingly, the 3 abstentions of the councilors Costantino, Zaffina and Gatto (abstentions that cause some perplexity in the opposition). The green light to the contracting out of the school canteen service (assigned to the central purchasing body of the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria) with the related amendment for the increase in expenditure of 47,000 euros passed with 11 votes and 3 abstentions; the maintenance service of extensive public greenery and roadside appurtenances, which provides for the contracting out, starting from November 1st, for 3 years to Multiservizi of pruning and phytotherapeutic treatments (the relevant councilor Muraca also announces a census of the plants) was voted unanimously, with everyone having found an “improving” nature also in the amendment which, apparently a formal question, extends the interventions to be foreseen to “the entire municipal territory”.