The deputy and former minister of Italia Viva, Elena Bonetti, leaves Matteo Renzi’s party: «The path of the Third Pole has been interrupted, but I want to think about relaunching it». And the relaunch “is not about delimiting a space in which to gather support for the elections”, i.e. Renzi’s Centre, “but activating a process to bring together different ideas and traditions”, announces Bonetti in an interview with Corriere della Sera and today in a long post on Facebook. «I don’t join Action, but on a ticket with Carlo Calenda, with whom I already worked on the federation between Italia viva and Action, I collaborate for the birth of a new, broader aggregative entity», explains the former minister. Her journey with Renzi ends: «It’s my story and I claim it with all the reasons she does. But I want to take them forward along a different path than the one Renzi chose. I think of the center not as a space to be occupied but as a process of participation to be liberated in order to be a force that overcomes bipolarism – reiterates Bonetti -. It is the objective with which we presented ourselves in the elections on 25 September”, specifies the former Renzian.
«I have already collaborated effectively with Calenda. I also meet Gelmini and Carfagna with whom, in the Draghi government, I experimented with a method that needs to be revived. It will be a team effort”, he adds. «I wrote to Matteo and his colleagues from Italia viva. On the other hand, in recent months I have made no secret – recalls the deputy -, neither with them nor publicly, of the different positions I had both on the individual challenges and on the overall project”. And regarding his candidacy in the European elections: «It’s really premature to talk about this – says Bonetti -. I have a clear mandate in the parliamentary group which I hope remains united.”