Another formalised, made official piece. Still under: it’s about Lorenzo Tropea, 19 years old. Already aggregated to the group, he arrives on loan from Empoli. A left-back who fills an empty box, even if the battery is still incomplete: at the moment, the other names on the roster are Lia and Polito. Something else will be done, as well as in the center of defence.
Young people not to be underestimated. Sporting director Domenico Roma works tirelessly to complete the roster, evaluates carefully so as not to make mistakes. There are many profiles on the table to choose from: some selected and followed, others proposed by the prosecutors. Now comes the beautiful but also the difficult. So far the “surrounding” has been created, inserting elements considered compatible with the technical, tactical but above all characteristic ideas to be part of this group. There are those who reproach this leadership for having focused only on young people up to now: it is true that key figures are missing to close the circle, but it is equally undeniable that it is not a crime to have used these weeks to identify young people considered good and strong, humble and hungry, who want to demonstrate and show off wearing a heavy shirt . If you are strong, the question of age is valid up to a certain point. But obviously whoever wears the white shield will then have to prove it. With the strategic choice to focus on the playing time, it was considered equally strategically important to choose elements (others will be formalized in the next few days) that could suit the ACR.
The novelty: Ortisi raider For the rest, we were saying, decisions to be made are approaching, especially in midfield. Department that at the moment formally counts only the class of 2002, Frisenna. Although there could be some very interesting news, such as the use of Lino Ortisi as a running and pushing midfielder of the 2001 class. Arrived in the last winter transfer market as a “numerical” replacement for the injured Lorenzo Catania, therefore as playmaker, Modica could use him elsewhere, precisely in the midfield, with different characteristics. A formula that teases, even for a pre-season that the young Syracusan is carrying out with great motivation and commitment. For the rest, the intention is to insert a point guard and an over midfielder: crucial elements on the chessboard, and for this reason, choices not to be made a mistake.
Names at stake: does one exclude the other? Messina has started contacts with several profiles, will soon untie the knots. Dominic Anzelmo, born in 2004, said yes. There is also the ok from Vibonese (he is not retiring) but his landing is linked to the other choices in the role. Same speech for Francesco Giunta: there is an economic agreement with the player, the ongoing assessments concern the space that the athlete could find, especially if players with a more substantial curriculum were to arrive. The parties would have taken another 24 hours of time: to sign or shake hands with a goodbye. Always alive contacts with Domenico Mungo, 30 years old, hot name, absolutely among the favourites. Alessandro Provenzano, a 32-year-old from Palermo, is also something we like, there have been close contacts but obstacles have also emerged. Then there is the retired member Leandro Desàbato, a 33-year-old who convinces with his personality and vision.
Offensive chapter: three on the plate Insane figures, a “doped” market: that’s why Messina would stay at the window, but there is no shortage of ideas. The companies shoot high, the prosecutors try to add grit to their mill, some even by filtering combinations that do not exist. There are three ways that the Acr can take, two of which have so far remained totally in the shadows. We wait for the right moment to sink, without “getting caught in the bag”.
From delay to slippage The late start certainly didn’t help to put the boxes in order, forcing in a certain sense to move in “forced” directions. A situation which, unfortunately, was repeated again this year, burning the potential advance to be played in the construction of the new squad. But an assist, in this sense, could come from Lega Pro’s decision to postpone (unlike Serie B) the start of the championship from 27 August to 9 September, i.e. when the teams’ rosters will be faithfully known and it will be possible to proceed to a subdivision of the three groupings.