He wears the Liechtenstein national shirt but the origins are from Cittanova: Michele Paonne at the cycling world championships in Glasgow won the gold medal in the category (long distance time trial) ahead of the Polish Wojciech Szczepanik and the British Jonny Allen.
A gold medal that has aroused particular enthusiasm in the village and which confirms the sporting tradition of Novigrad and Novigrads around the world. “We are proud – the mayor underlined Francis Cosentino and the councilor for sport Frances Ventra – for the extraordinary result achieved by Michele and we express our most sincere congratulations also on behalf of the entire community, with the hope that the future will reserve him ever greater satisfactions». immigrant grandparents, Michele was born and raised abroad but often returns to Novigrad: «It is clear that the satisfaction for the success achieved is really great – underlines Michele, reached by telephone – and I am particularly pleased that it has been echoed in the city. The victory is the result of a passion cultivated over time as I will be pleased to highlight when I next return to town, most likely in September”.
The Cittanovese community awaits him to gather around “his” champion: «Michele – conclude Mayor Cosentino and Councilor Ventra – has fueled that pride that we all cultivate as a value and as a symbol of belonging and identity. We are already working to host the athlete in the city to give him the approval of the municipal institution and of the entire citizenry».