Mocking local authorities with the Pnrr? The spending review creates tensions in Calabria


By John

Calabrian provincial presidents and mayors, like their colleagues from other territories, are on a war footing. Yes, because the entities that have received greater Pnrr funds risk being the most affected by the government's spending review. The draft decree on the table of the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, made the ANCI and the UPI jump out of their chairs. The two organizations speak of “unreasonable” and “absurd” cuts. And even if the government tries to tone down the controversy, with minister Raffaele Fitto ready to assure how «the government will evaluate the considerations and needs of the local authority system and provide answers, in any case there will be no cut in spending social”, the tension remains very high.
The “trap” of the interministerial decree will not only concern institutions in difficulty, those in a rebalancing procedure and those that have signed an agreement for the settlement of the deficit and the relaunch of investments such as Reggio Calabria. All other realities, however, will be affected.
The measure that ended up in the eye of the storm is contained within the latest financial measure. The Budget Law includes a contribution to public finances by local authorities of 250 million euros per year from 2024 to 2028 (1.25 billion in total): 200 million paid by the Municipalities and 50 by the Provinces. In total, 6,838 municipalities, 78 provinces and 13 metropolitan cities should be involved.