Participates, foundations and entities. The Calabria Region gets off the “bandwagons”


By John

Transforming old wagons into modern racing carsscrapping those that only “ballast” the Region. The last stage of the path taken by governor Occhiuto in the management of investee companies, instrumental entities and foundations is the extinction of Terinafor which the liquidator Fabrizio D’Agostino was recently appointed. And if in September 2017 the Region had direct shareholdings in 18 and indirect shareholdings in 23 companies, to date the Region holds shareholdings in 15 joint stock companies of which 5 are in bankruptcy (Airport Sant’Anna spa, Comac srl, Consorzio Cies, Progetto Magna Graecia srl ​​and Sogas spa), one in liquidation (Comac srl in liquidation) and 9 (Banca Popolare Etica soc. coop. per share, Ferrovie della Calabria srl , Fincalabra spa, Sacal spa, Sorical spa, Strait of Messina spa, Tech4you scrl and Terme Sibarite spa) in normal activity of which one to be sold (Comalca scrl). The data is contained in the Economic and Financial Document of the Calabria Region (Defrc) for the years 2025-2027 sent for examination by the Council (today it will be discussed in the budget commission in the presence of the councilor Marcello Minenna and the general manager of the Economics and Finance, Filippo De Cello), who also takes a “photograph” of the galaxy and the prospects of the Calabrian sub-government.

The general picture and prospects

The investee companies for which maintenance has been ordered are considered by the Region to be “strategic” for “pursuing interests of a general nature”. For Fincalabra the aim is to reacquire the authorization to carry out financial intermediation activities. On Ferrovie della Calabria, which with the new “governance” system introduced by the establishment of the Calabrian Transport Authority (Art-Cal) has become an in-house company of the Region, «the sole shareholder – clarifies the Defr – will be called, in the next years, to guarantee continuous control and monitoring of the company, requiring the administrative body to continue with the action undertaken to reorganize and reduce management costs and, at the same time, will have to proceed with the review and reorganization of the entire transport system on land, in order to modernize the sector and make it more competitive, with the use of financial resources relating to unitary planning”. The objective is “to create an efficient, sustainable, more modern transport service aligned with the standards of other regions of Italy”. The challenge for Sorical is to complete the takeover of the management of the integrated water service of the 404 Calabrian municipalities, while Sacal is called to “make Calabria fly”: with a 258 million euro investment plan it is expected that the infrastructural development of the airports of Lamezia, Reggio and Crotone will allow «over the next decade to reach the remarkable goal of 6.2 million passengers in 2033». The estimated increase in flows would have an impact on the regional GDP and on employment in the area, with a forecast of approximately 3,500 jobs generated.