Pnrr law decree, Mangialavori: “The requests of the territories have been accepted”


By John

«Today in Budget Commission we have a fundamental act such as the legislative decree on the Pnrr was approved, which was significantly improved although with unchanged balances, accepting the requests of the territories, local authorities and the health sector». This was stated in a note by the president of the Budget Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Giuseppe Mangialavoriwho adds:

«It was a synergistic work, the result of collaboration between my colleagues from the majority and the opposition who I would like to thank for their usual seriousness and effectiveness. With the mandate to the speakers, the text will arrive in the Montecitorio Chamber on Monday. I want to thank Minister Fitto once again, always sensitive to the needs expressed and always ready to find the best possible solutions for the implementation of a concrete program to relaunch the country, of which the Pnrr – concludes Mangialavori – is certainly one of the most important at our disposal.”