Port of Tremestieri, the Municipality of Messina to Bruno Teodoro: «We have already asked for the funds»


By John

The case of the port of Tremestieri has become the classic hot potato. Construction site in fits and starts, work stopped for a year and a half, the intervention of the Venice court to help the company in charge of the work with the transfer of the business unit and finally the successor company which does not want to start again if it is not certain about the economic commitments .
Who was hoping for a rapid passing of the baton from New Coedmar to Bruno Teodoro will be disappointed because the Capo d’Orlando company has put itself on “stand by” asking to be certain that the Municipality can pay it not only the remaining part of the contract funds but also those 43 million euros more due to the increase in material costs compared to the original 2008 project. A note from Bruno Teodoro addressed to Palazzo Zanca but also to the Ministry of Infrastructure which opens and closes the purse strings.
The ministry led by Matteo Salvini will grant the remaining funds to be able to close the work, applying the Aid decree? Palazzo Zanca in the resolution with which it gave the go-ahead to the Court of Venice for the sale of the business unit, had already declared that “the coverage of the greater costs, indicated in the transaction deed, is attributable to the methods of Legislative Decree 50/2022 ” and this suggests that at least as early as July all the competitors knew that the heavy “adjustment” of 43 million had to be recovered.