Four words to describe the guidelines of the idea of the city that the municipal administration intends to achieve through the drafting of the municipal structural plan: welcoming, inclusive, integrated and sustainable. The start of the planning conference for the collection of opinions on the preliminary document of the PSC – which runs hand in hand with the process for the strategic environmental assessment (VAS) – recorded the position of the Palazzo De Nobili government in the words of the deputy mayor with responsibility for Territorial Planning Giusy Iemmawhich indicated the objectives and project actions to be pursued.
Iemma started from the concept of a welcoming territory “in order to counteract the progressive demographic decline which in the last decade alone has seen a drop of 10 thousand inhabitants”. Among the actions to be implemented to counteract this trend, encouraging building and urban planning interventions functional to the exercise of productive activities: from tourism to local crafts, from food and wine to the production of services and logistics.