Psc in Catanzaro, comparison of the historic center. The requests of the Superintendency


By John

There city ​​of the future it also comes from its history and respect for it. And the urban planning in progress will be called upon to take this into account. An aspect that emerged already in the first session of the planning conference – convened by the mayor Nicola Fiorita – called to collect the opinions of the various bodies on the preliminary document of the structural plan and reiterated in a recent meeting between municipal administrators, planners and the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage in the latter's headquarters, at the monumental complex.
Around a table is the deputy mayor with responsibility for territorial planning Giusy Iemmathe manager Giovanni Laganàthe rup Laura Abrahamthe designer Sergio Dinale and the superintendent Stefania Argenti supported by her staff (Davide Serra and Francesco Vonella). At the center, a series of topics, starting from delimitation of the area of ​​the historic center that Argenti had already indicated in the planning conference. The importance of this has been underlined here, as the protection of the landscape also requires respect for history, also adding the hypothesis of extending this protection to all those buildings prior to 1945 present in the city area.
The protection of history will also have to go hand in hand with urban harmony, which has failed in the capital over the last 50 years, to be achieved through the color plan. The possibility of discussion between the parties was underlined by the participants who reiterated the importance of being able to work together to ensure that the structural plan process reaches a successful conclusion in a reasonable time.