«We do not need nuclear weapons to achieve final victory in Ukraine» said the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, in his long speech at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. But on the other side of the world, Joe Biden he went too far, comparing Putin's threat to that of Adolf Hitler and establishing himself as the only leader of the free world capable of defeating him.
“We are here not only to honor those who showed such extraordinary courage that day, June 6, 1944, but to hear the echoes of their voices. To listen to them. They are calling us and asking us to remain faithful to what America represents”, declared the commander-in-chief in the same place where in 1984 the then president Ronald Reagan gave his most famous speech, on top of the cliff climbed by the Army Rangers to get their hands on the ammunition with which the Germans could attack the Allied troops on the beaches of Omaha and Utah. Many analysts in recent days have compared the two presidents at this moment in their lives, both on the decline and both seeking re-election. Two iconic speeches on the heroism and patriotism of those soldiers from which the former actor first and Biden now hoped to receive some light on the road to the White House. Shortly before ascending Pointe de Hoc, the president had met with Volodymyr Zelensky in Paris and for the first time apologized in public for the six-month stalemate in Congress over military aid to Ukraine. “I apologize for those weeks when you didn't know what was happening on the assistance front,” he told the Kiev leader, reiterating US support for Ukraine. “We are fully committed to your side.” Zelensky thanked Biden for the “significant support” from the United States and compared the American effort to the fight against Hitler eighty years ago. The commander-in-chief, in his speech, also mentioned the Fuhrer comparing him to Putin and stressing that American veterans of the Second World War would have liked the United States to stop the aggression of the Kremlin leader today. Thanks to the courage of the soldiers who landed in Normandy, the American president said, «the war has changed “Hitler's aggression. Is there anyone who doubts that they would have wanted America to stand up to Putin in Europe today?” he asked. “They fought to defeat an ideology based on hatred in the 1930s and 1930s. 40,” he added. “Does anyone doubt that they wouldn't move heaven and earth to defeat today's hate-based ideologies?”
Biden never mentioned Trump but the contrast he wanted to outline in his speech is clear, also in view of the G7 in Italy next week: while the president leads an international alliance against Russian aggression in Europe, Trump in the White House he was on the verge of withdrawing from NATO and was friendlier towards Moscow than towards traditional European allies. And the reference to the tycoon was obvious when, towards the end of his speech, he said: «When we talk about American democracy, we often talk about ideals of life, of freedom, of the pursuit of happiness. What we don't talk about is how difficult it is… The most natural instinct is to leave, to be selfish, to impose our will on others to gain power.” Concluding then that he does not want to believe that “America's greatness belongs to the past”.