Reggio, alarm at the former Pentimele Fair: “Asbestos stacked on the construction site”


By John

Not only the delay with which this intervention began but also the proximity and the environmental risk in the northern area of ​​the city. We are talking about theformer Pentimele Fair. The complaint comes from the minority councilor Angela Marcianòwho made his debut on social media: «The asbestos corpse of the former Pentimele Citrus Fair. This is how the site of the former Pentimele citrus fair has been defined several times in recent years due to the significant amount of asbestos, which characterizes all the buildings present in that area. Everyone in town knows about the problem. Yet, now, there are 4 million and 500 thousand euros from the Pnrr and therefore there is work for everyone.”

The problem of asbestos is unfortunately still very present throughout the urban area and the harmfulness of this material is now clear. In recent days the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà took part in the delivery of the construction site for the redevelopment of the site which has now been closed for years and is in an advanced state of degradation. In particular, the first activity to be carried out is the reclamation, before moving on to the redevelopment interventions in the area of ​​the former Pentimele Fair for the creation of a large sports centre. All this after the resolution for the redevelopment had been approved by the municipal council in recent months, as foreseen in the timetable of the feasibility project defined in the Pnrr masterplan.