Ban on approaching his wife and younger daughter. The carabinieri of Cataforio, district of Reggiocarried out the order for the application of a personal precautionary measure, issued by the investigating judge at the request of the local prosecutor’s office, against a 28-year-old local man.
The measure originated at the end of a delicate investigation conducted by the police launched following the complaint presented by the woman. Since 2020, vexatious and violent conduct, insults, threats and beatings have been found: behaviors that had led to a state of subjection and fear towards the man. In particular, in a recent episode, the military found that the couple’s youngest daughter, 10 months old, had been beaten by the manwho in a nervous moment, had slapped her and subsequently had also beaten up her partner, and then ran away from home as soon as he realized that she had requested the intervention of the police.