Solidarity is one of the peculiarities of every human being. And the place par excellence, in addition to the family, where it can (and must) be cultivated is the school. With this spirit of initiative, the Anteas association has the “Seeds of Solidarity” project at the ITI Monaco in Cosenza, in the presence of the Welfare Councilor of the Municipality of Cosenza, Veronica Buffone. During the event, 15 male and female students from the Industrial Cosenza area, chosen for merit and income, were rewarded with a tablet offered by the association led by president Benito Rocca. In addition to the representative of the Bruzio Municipality, the meeting was attended by Professor Rosa Principe, who moderated the morning meeting – representing the school directed by the director Fiorella D'Ippolito – and another soul of the Anteas association, Antonio Tiberi .
The project
Put a stop to all forms of rampant poverty, ensure health and well-being for all and guarantee sustainable models of production and consumption. The project moves along these three perfectly overlapping directions “Seeds of solidarity” promoted by the Calabria Region (General Directorate of the Department of Work and Welfare) and which sees the Anteas odv ets association as the leading entity. To achieve the triple objective, so-called solidarity gardens have been created and are constantly “tended”: these are plots of land assigned to associations for social purposes, with the aim of feeding a community, people with disabilities or hardship and the elderly. Two virtuous examples were created thanks to the “Seeds of Solidarity” project which made it possible to create solidarity gardens in Castrolibero, in the Pianeta Casa area (there is a memorandum of understanding with a private individual, Cesare Filippelli) and in Carolei (the result of an agreement with the “Noah's Ark” association, a historic reference in the Cosentino area for people with disabilities and their families). To eradicate forms of poverty, the project aims to promote activities for the recovery of food surpluses, making them available to families who find themselves living in a condition of economic and social disadvantage (for example with minors living in situations of educational poverty ).