Single and universal allowance for children in 2023: here are the expected amounts and how to apply.
The single allowance for dependent children, since it is a “universal” measure, it can also be requested in the absence of an ISEE or with an ISEE exceeding the threshold of €43,240. Then, will be paid minimum amounts of the allowance provided for by law.
L’Single and universal allowance it is economic support attributed to families for each dependent child up to the age of 21 (under certain conditions) and without age limits for disabled children. The amount due varies according to the economic condition of the family nucleus on the basis of the ISEE valid at the time of the application, taking into account the age and number of children as well as any situations of disability of the children.
The Check is defined uniquesince it is aimed at simplifying and at the same time strengthening interventions aimed at supporting parenthood and birth rate, and universal as it is guaranteed to a minimum extent to all families with dependent children, even in the absence of ISEE or with an ISEE higher than the threshold of €43,240.
Who is it aimed at?
The single and universal allowance is recognized to families:
- for each dependent minor child and, for the new bornruns from the seventh month of pregnancy;
- for each dependent adult child, up to the age of 21, provided that:
- you attend a school or professional training course, or a degree course;
- carries out an internship or a work activity and has a total income of less than 8 thousand euros per year;
- is registered as unemployed and looking for work with the public employment services;
- perform universal civil service;
- for each dependent child with a disability, without age limits.
- How does it work
The amount of the single and universal allowance for dependent children is determined on the basis of the economic condition of the family unitverified taking into account theISEE currently valid and varies according to the ISEE value, the lower it is the greater the amount of the check.
In the absence of one new DSU presented for 2023 and correctly certified, the amount of the single and universal check will be calculated starting from the month of March 2023 with reference to the minimum amounts. If the new DSU is presented by 30 June 2023, any amounts already disbursed for the 2023 year will be adjusted starting from March 2023 with the payment of the amounts due in arrears.
The single allowance for dependent children, since it is a “universal” measure, it can also be requested in the absence of an ISEE or with an ISEE exceeding the threshold of €43,240. Then, will be paid minimum amounts of the allowance provided for by law.
Remember that for the presentation of the DSU to obtain ISEE, it is possible to go to one of the intermediaries authorized to provide tax assistance (CAF), or online on the INPS website using SPID credentials, Electronic Identity Card or National Services Card, choosing the ISEE in ordinary or pre-compiled mode . In this last case, the ISEE is normally available within a few hours of the request.
L’amount of the single and universal allowance is determined on the basis of any ISEE presented by the family nucleus of the beneficiary child, taking into account the age of the dependent children and numerous other factors.
In particular, it is expected:
- a variable amount modulated progressively (let’s go from a maximum of 189.2 euros for each minor child with ISEE up to 16,215 euros, at a minimum of 54.1 euros for each minor child in the absence of ISEE or with ISEE equal to or greater than 43,240 euros). The amounts due for each child may be increased in the case of large households (for children following the second), children up to one year of age, children between the ages of 1 and 3 for families with at least three children, mothers under the age of 21, families with four or more children, both parents with income from work, children with disabilities;
- a share as increases to compensate for any economic loss suffered by the family unit, if the amount of the Allowance should be lower than that deriving from the sum of the theoretical values of the Allowance for the Family Unit (family member) and the average tax deductions (tax component) , which would have been perceived in the regime before the reform.
The single and universal allowance it is paid by INPS and is disbursed to the applicant or, upon even subsequent request, in equal measure among those who exercise parental responsibility, by crediting the bank or postal current account, or by choosing the domiciled transfer method.
When filling out the application, the requesting parent will be able to indicate the terms of payment selected and will be able to enter, in addition to his payment details, also those of the other parent in the case of the option to split the allowance 50% between the two parents. If the requesting parent does not indicate the method and payment details of the other parent exercising parental responsibility, the latter will be able to do so independently by logging in with his/her credentials to the request already submitted by the requesting party. In this case, the payment of the fee for the second parent takes effect from the month following the one in which the choice was communicated to INPS.
In case of exclusive custody, the applicant may request payment of 100% of the amount due. The other parent remains entitled to change this choice by accessing the application using their credentials.
In the case of appointment of a guardian or foster carer pursuant to law 4 May 1983, n. 184, the allowance is recognized in the exclusive interest of the protected person or the minor in foster care.
For newborns starting from 1 March 2022, the single and universal allowance is due from seventh month of pregnancy.
With the entry into force of the single and universal allowance, starting from March 2022 the following birth support measures are repealedas absorbed by the grant:
- the birth or adoption bonus (Mom bonus tomorrow);
- the allowance for families with at least three minor children;
- family allowances for families with children and orphans;
- the birth allowance (so-called baby bonus);
- tax deductions for children up to 21 years old.
The single allowance it neither absorbs nor limits the amounts of nursery bonus.
The Check is compatible with the use of any other cash measures in favor of dependent children provided by the Regions, the autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano and by local authorities.
Furthermore, it is compatible with the Basic income. For recipients of the Citizenship Income, the amount of the check is disbursed, with the same methods of disbursement of the RdC, by crediting the RdC card of which they are in possession.
For the determination of family income, the Single Allowance is not included in welfare payments.
The single and universal allowance does not contribute to the formation of the total income for IRPEF purposes.
The single and universal allowance for dependent children concerns all categories of employees (both public and private), self-employed, retired, unemployed, etc.
The measure is recognized on condition that at the time of submission of the application and for the entire duration of the benefit, the applicant is in joint possession of the following requirements of citizenship, residence and residence:
- is an Italian citizen or a citizen of a Member State of the European Union or his family member, holder of the right of residence or the right of permanent residence, or is a citizen of a State not belonging to the European Union in possession of the EU residence permit for residents of long term, or is the holder of a single work permit authorized to carry out a working activity for a period exceeding six months or the holder of a residence permit for research reasons authorized to reside in Italy for a period exceeding six months;
- is subject to the payment of income tax in Italy;
- is resident and domiciled in Italy;
- is or has been resident in Italy for at least two years, even non-continuous, or is the holder of an open-ended or fixed-term employment contract of at least six months.
The single and universal allowance is paid automatically by INPS to families receiving Citizenship Incomewithout the need to submit a specific application.
From 1 March 2023, for those who, during the period January 2022 – February 2023, presented an application for a single and universal allowance for dependent children, and the same was not rejected, revoked or forfeited or renounced on the part of the applicant, INPS continued to pay the allowance automatically, without the need to submit a new application. In the hypothesis of variation with respect to the conditions that had been declared in the application (for example, the birth of children; the variation or inclusion of the child’s condition of disability; the declaration relating to school attendance/training course for the child who reaches the age of majority), the applicant must intervene promptly on the application and adapt its contents, also providing, where necessary, for the presentation of an updated single self-declaration (DSU).
For those submitting it for the first time or for those who have had an unsuccessful or lapsed application and are now in possession of the requirements, the application can be sent by one of the two parents exercising parental responsibility regardless of cohabitation with the child, directly through the INPS website, or by calling the contact center or through patronages. The application can also be presented through the guardian of the child or parent, in the exclusive interest of the ward. Upon completion of agechildren can submit the application in lieu of the one already submitted by their parents and request direct payment of the portion of the Allowance due to them.
For applications submitted by 1 March to 30 June 2023the single and universal allowance is due with all arrears starting from March 2023.
For applications submitted after June 30ththe allowance begins from the month following the month of presentation and is determined on the basis of the ISEE at the time of application.
The application can be submitted:
- accessing from INPS website at the service “Single and universal allowance for dependent children” with at least level 2 SPID, Electronic Identity Card 3.0 (CIE) or National Services Card (CNS);
- by contacting the toll-free number 803.164 (free from a landline) or the number 06 164.164 (from mobile network, with the tariff applied by the telephone operator);
- through patronage bodiesthrough the electronic services offered free of charge by them.
Further instructions on completing the application are contained in the message dated 31 December 2021, n. 4748.