Sizing in Cosenza, Succurro responds to Caruso: «The only logic that drives the actions of my Administration is that of the best interest of our students»


By John

«I read with amazement and am astonished by my colleague’s statements Franz Caruso, Mayor of Cosenza, with respect to the School Sizing relating to the City of Bruzi. Caruso certainly received completely incorrect communications, despite his delegate – the Councilor – being present in the chamber yesterday Frammartinowho also expressed applause to the provincial administration for having maintained the autonomy of the “Bernardino Telesio” classical high school.

Thus the President of the Province of Cosenza, Rosaria Succurro, who with respect to the matter requested by Mayor Caruso clarifies that what he stated is totally unfounded: «in reality only the Convitto Nazionale with the Spirito Santo is united, since they are schools of the same level, but above all due to the proximity between the two Institutes which as the crow flies they are facing each other. No duplication from the IC of Via Roma, therefore, which remains with the Scuola dello Spirito Santo to which the Convitto Nazionale is added”.

For President Succurro, therefore, The alarm raised by Franz Caruso is completely disproportionate and misleadingas well as his “call to arms” against the Province of Cosenza.

«The only logic that has moved and continues to move my Administration is that of the best interests of our students, for whom we have made every effort to guarantee the best possible educational offer», concludes Rosaria Succurro.