Sassaiola yesterday morning around six o’clock along the Sapri-Paola railway line. Some people between Praia and Scalea they targeted a convoy causing damage to the window of a car. The driver blocked the train and traffic was temporarily blocked, obviously causing delays and inconvenience to travellers. The men from the Polfer of Paola and Cosenza are investigating the episode. Fortunately for people, they don’t register. The train then arrived at Vaglio Lise station. The staff went out of their way to ensure that customers did not have any problems. Those near the broken window were moved away for safety measures. This is not the first incident of its kind to occur on this railway route. A prank, an act of vandals, which however could and could still cause more significant damage if similar events were to be repeated.
Read the complete article in the paper edition of Gazzetta del Sud – Cosenza