The latest novel, just released, by Catania Melissa Panarello, History of my money (Bompiani), proposed by the Messina writer Nadia Terranova, and the novel by Palermo Evelina Santangelo Il Sentimento del mare (Einaudi), released in 2023, proposed by the writer Marcello Fois, are in the second group of recommendations for the 2024 Strega Prizeamong the twenty new titles proposed by the Amici della Domenica, which also include Donatella Di Pietrantonio, Franco Buffoni and Tommaso Giartosio, which are added to the ten with which this edition opened.
In the motivation for the proposal for Panarello’s novel, Nadia Terranova writes: «Twenty years ago a writer published a novel that was a fairy tale about love, about loneliness, about the search for oneself through the body. She was a teenager, and she was also a writer: you don’t become one at an age, you are born one – however, since she was young, that novel testified to her youth. It sparked an outcry because it also testified to an era in which it was considered unacceptable for adolescents to have a sexual life that escaped the projections of adults, it was defined as immoral and scandalous. Twenty years later, the writer is still a writer, and unlike many who yearn for success she has never had to chase it, rather she has allowed herself the luxury of not abandoning the only truly daring adventure of her life: being herself. One day she meets Clara T., the actress who played the second of her novels in the cinema, and begins a hypnotic dialogue with her. Story of My Money is a magnificent, slippery and knowledgeable novel, which plays with the grotesque, with the literary double, with self-fiction, written by the wise voice of a woman capable of embracing the little girl that she will never stop carrying within her. she. A voice that is both millenary and childish, and therefore, without the need for poses or disguises, simply and naturally magical.»
These, in addition to the novels by Panarello and Santangelo, are the added titles: Cristina Battocletti, Epigenetica (The Ship of Theseus), proposed by Helena Janeczek. Nicola Bottiglieri, Assault on the Hill (Bertoni), proposed by Natale Antonio Rossi. Franco Buffoni, Il Gesuita (FVE), proposed by Antonella Cilento. Alberto Capitta, SV’s thesis (Il Maestrale), proposed by Giuseppe Conte. Marco Cassardo, We were immortal (Mondadori), proposed by Marco Missiroli. Filippo D’Angelo, Cities and days (nighttime), proposed by Gianluigi Simonetti. Donatella Di Pietrantonio, The fragile age (Einaudi), proposed by Vittorio Lingiardi. Tommaso Giartosio, Autobiogrammatica (minimum fax), proposed by Emanuele Trevi. Davide Grittani, The flock (Alter Ego), proposed by Wanda Marasco. Ginevra Lamberti, The well is worth more than time (Marsilio), proposed by Jonathan Bazzi. Giuseppe Mancusi Barone, My icons (Guide), proposed by Cesare de Seta. Eugenio Murrali, Marguerite was here (Neri Pozza), proposed by Aldo Cazzullo. Stefania Nardini, The last train from Kiev (Les FlâneursEdizioni), proposed by Gianni Maritati. Enrico Pellegrini, Infinito (The Ship of Theseus), proposed by Furio Colombo. Daniele Rielli, The invisible fire. Human history of a natural disaster (Rizzoli), proposed by Antonio Pascale. Alberto Riva, Last summer in Roccamare (Neri Pozza), proposed by Giorgio Montefoschi. Raffaella Romagnolo, Fixing the universe (Mondadori), proposed by Lia Levi. Ilaria Rossetti, The girls’ factory (Bompiani), proposed by Paolo Petroni.