The Provincial Council convened by the President was held this morning, Wednesday 8 May 2024, in the Meeting Room of the Palace in Piazza Rosaria Succurro.
The Provincial Assembly was called, among other things, to adopt the 2023 Management Report scheme, to be subsequently submitted, pursuant to art. 43 of the Statute of the Province of Cosenza, to the Assembly of Mayors for the expression of the opinion within its competence.
«We close this report with two very positive pieces of news – declared the President of the Province at the opening of the proceedings – which for us administrators represent, first of all, the tranquility of achieving the set objectives; but whose data denote and certify above all a careful and prudent management of “Public Affairs””.
Rosaria Succurro therefore underlined that «on the one hand, the recovery of the first annuity was achieved; on the other hand, we close the budget on a positive note, with the cleaning of over 20 million active residues and 5 million passive residues”.
The final result for 2023 is the consequence of prudent management, which had to take into account various unknowns. An attitude rewarded in the final analysis, with a positive result regarding compliance with legal parameters and balanced accounts.
For President Succurro – who wanted to thank the Budget Manager Giuseppe Meranda and its offices, as well as of course the Auditors, for the excellent work done – also on the TEFA tax, important steps forward are being made towards the recovery of the sums owed by the Municipalities: «We need to recover 18 million euros from the past and we are doing, meeting the Municipalities and not leaving the Mayors alone” – the gloss.
The accounting document was approved by a majority of those present in the chamber, with seven votes in favor and two against. In the next week it will be submitted to the opinion of the Mayors' Assembly, before returning to the Provincial Council for final approval.