“With the updating of the hospital network, which first occurred with CDA 194/2023 and with the support requested and obtained from the Ministry of Health, we are in the presence of a new DCA which revokes the previous one and incorporates the observations of the supporting ministries. All in compliance with the 2022/2025 Operational Plan and in accordance with Legislative Decree 77/2022. Having made this necessary premise, we must carry out an analysis on the merits: as stated in the decree itself, it is not a question of the new hospital network, but of an update, required by the regulations referred to”. This is what the regional councilor of the Democratic Party, vice president of the Health Council Commission, Amalia Bruni, says.
“The same report on the decree confirms what we have reported in recent years: we are in the health system of obligations, not services – states Bruni -. on the one hand we have the acts, the decrees, on the other the reality of the facts. Impressive initiatives are announced but the services already planned cannot be guaranteed. The hospital network in force is implemented at just over 80% with a significant difference between the public one and the accredited one. New beds are announced but it is not said with which staff they will be activated. Dozens of complex organizational units in hub and spoke hospitals are cut to allocate them to “Company Zero”, without the latter having entered the heart of functionality. The impoverishment of the Lamezia garrison is unacceptable, what has been decreed is very serious: such delicate decrees are adopted without any information, no comparison of merit. All the representatives are humiliated, starting from the regional council, the trade unions, the health workers, the territories”.
“Specifically to the central area, as already highlighted several times, we need to address the issue of the role between the Dulbecco Company and the rest of the facilities, starting from the Lamezia hospital – concludes Bruni -. We cannot let this act go over our heads: only the Calabrians would pay the price.”