Urban waste ratio, Messina’s flattering position among cities with a population exceeding 200 thousand inhabitants


By John

The 25th edition of the Ispra Report dedicated to urban waste was held today in Rome with the presentation of the data relating to the year 2022, in which the president of Messinaservizi Bene Comune took part on behalf of the Municipality of Messina Maria Grazia Interdonato and the General Manager of the company Michele Trimboli.
Like every year, the Urban Waste Report provides data, updated to the previous year, on the production, separate collection, management of urban waste and packaging waste, on import/export, at national, regional and provincial level, through a document which summarizes the collection, analysis and processing activity by the Institute’s National Center for Waste and Circular Economy, with the contribution of Arpa/Appa. Together with the Waste Report, Utilitalia’s “Report on Energy Recovery from Waste” was also presented, a study aimed at acquiring and analyzing data from anaerobic management and incineration plants with energy recovery from waste.
“The Ispra report – explains President Interdonato – as can be seen from the tables presented, relating to the 14 cities with populations exceeding 200 thousand inhabitants, sees the city of Messina positioned, after the first four cities, Padua, Bologna, Venice and Milan, in a gap of only 1.5 percentage points, between 5th and 8th place, together with Florence, Turin and Verona”. “A flattering position – continues Interdonato – as well as an important opportunity as Messinaservizi, following previous discussions with Ispra, managed to have the data contained in the 2021 report corrected, as they had been reported incorrectly”.
Satisfaction expressed by the mayor Federico Basile for the further goal achieved by Messina which is positioned among the first metropolitan cities in Italy “the result of team work and the commitment of the governance of Messinaservizi which according to our strategic program – underlines Basile – we work to make Messina increasingly virtuous in terms of waste”.
And regarding the commitment, President Interdonato thanked the entire corporate operational and administrative machine for the 10 percent increase from 2021 to 2022, recorded during the mandate of Mayor Cateno De Luca and of the MSBC chaired by Giuseppe Lombardo until to the current Basile union “growth highlighted during the presentation – concludes the President of Messinaservizi – also by the general director Ispra Maria Siclari”.
The branch councilor also spoke on the importance of constant and persevering work Francesco Caminiti “if Messina has managed to achieve these results we owe it to the citizens who, thanks to our commitment to conveying and raising awareness of good practices in waste collection, have managed to create a change of mentality that is often not easily absorbed by citizens”.