A few days after a historic election which saw him win a seat in the European Parliament, Domenico Lucano he arrived in Vibo to support the run-off race of the center-left candidate Enzo Romeo. Under the pine trees a stone’s throw from Piazza Martiri d’Unità, the mayor of Riace (Lucano was again elected mayor of his municipality on 8 and 9 June) was welcomed by numerous supporters who paid him a long applause. In the recent electoral competition in Vibo, Lucano obtained an important consensus: 700 votes. To welcome him, among others, in addition to Romeo, too Peppino Lavorato (historic exponent of the southern and Calabrian left).
“I didn’t expect all this sense and all this warmth – said Lucano – even if traveling around Italy you could sense this desire for change. I remain and will remain the Mimmo Lucano I have always been. For the municipal election campaign I spent 50 euros on the mock-ups, for the European elections I thank the party that strongly wanted me to run. But it also bothers me when they call me honorable. Hope keeps us moving and my judicial history teaches us. Mine was a political trial: that judicial line totally overturned my history and my way of being. We had the strength to transform pain into hope. Now I would like to be useful and determine a different voice in Europe where the right has taken over. My voice will be in favor of respect for human rights.”