Wing Chun, master Fabio Bevilacqua, direct student of Grand Master Cwo Tze Chuan, arrives in Catanzaro for an interregional seminar


By John

Eternal Spring or for some Radiant Spring, this is the translation of the term Wing Chun, a Chinese martial art belonging to the world of Traditional Kung Fu.
March 24, 2024 at 10 am in the premises of the “Spartan” gym located in via Patari (Quartier Mater Domini) in Catanzaro, organized by Dr. Roberto Boris Canino, an interregional seminar will be held. The teacher is the Grand Master Dr. Fabio Bevilacqua (2nd generation YP MAN genius), direct student of the Grand Master Cwo Tze Chuan (1st generation Yp Man).
The GM Dr. Fabio Bevilacqua is an eclectic character, with many passions and knowledge. For years he has managed to achieve the goal of being a valid professional in teaching Wing Chun. Regularly present on the national territory and therefore also in Calabri, in Catanzaro, where the School is directed by Master Roberto Boris Canino (his direct student), he regularly transmits the teachings relating to the Wing Chun style.
Grand Master Fabio Bevilacqua teaches Traditional Wing Chun (Cwo Tze Chuan Lineage) transmitting all the principles of the martial art and the ancient values ​​of Kung Fu, where there is no real boundary between technical excellence and the perfection of the human being, understood both as an individual achievement but above all as a benefit for everyone, making the environment around us a better place. Schools from Puglia and Basilicata will also participate in the Seminar with SIFU Rocco Vallarelli, he was also a direct student of Grand Master Fabio Bevilacqua. Free entry for those interested.