Abramo Customer Care dispute, meeting between Occhiuto and the unions in Reggio. The objective is to establish a technical table to preserve employment


By John

Today, December 22, 2023, a meeting took place at the headquarters of the Regional Council of Calabria between the President Roberto Occhiuto, the councilor Giovanni Calabrese and the trade union organizations SLC CGIL, Fistel CISL, UILCOM UIL and UGL Telecommunications to discuss the company’s crisis Abraham Customer Care.

At the beginning of the meeting, the trade union organizations and the representatives of the workers present wanted to recognize the important contribution provided by the Calabrian parliamentarians, who, acting as spokespersons for the national government and the TIM leaders of the trade union bodies, obtained an extension of the contracts at the Abramo CC company. This was a first important result which will guarantee the continuation of the employment relationship for 493 workers for the next 3 months and will allow us to have more time to search for structural solutions that can give job prospects to the over 1000 workers still present in this company.

During the meeting, President Occhiuto firmly communicated to the unions his personal commitment to requesting a meeting at the Ministry between Telecom Italia (TIM), the extraordinary commissioners and the trade union organisations. LThe objective is to set up a technical table where concrete and sustainable solutions can be found to preserve employment in Calabria. This, continued Occhiuto, is a priority for the regional administration which intends to play an active role, also in the future, guaranteeing its participation in meetings at the Ministry.

In conclusion, everyone shared the importance of continuing this fruitful collaborative approach between institutions and trade unions to resolve this difficult dispute, and the President proved determined to immediately initiate any possible further action that could serve to protect the rights of workers also promoting the economic development of the Region. For this reason, new meetings will take place in the next few days to discuss other initiatives in detail.