Anyone who loses the Citizenship Income also risks the single allowance for children. We need a new question: here’s how to do it


By John

Families with minors with Citizenship Income, who will therefore be entitled to maintain the benefit until December, will have to apply within the year for the single allowance for dependent children.

The INPS clarifies this with a message, recalling that the Budget law for 2023 and the May decree (48/2023), which establish that “the current official payment of the single and universal check will also cease ( Auu) on Citizenship Income”, and that so a separate question will have to be asked. Those for whom the measure expires after seven months (i.e. those without minors, but with low ISEE and children up to 21 years of age engaged in studies) will have to apply by July. the expiry of the seven months of the citizenship income, – it reads -, they will have to submit an independent application for the recognition of the same allowance by the last day of the month of competence of the citizenship income. The Auu application must also be presented in the cases of suspension of the Citizenship Income provided for by article 13, paragraph 5, of decree-law n. 48/2023, pending the possible communication of the taking charge of subjects who cannot be activated for work by the deadline of 31 October 2023″.

In such cases, following the submission of the application, the single and universal allowance will be disbursed for the entire amount due, except for any adjustments that will be made automatically in the event of resumption of the disbursement of the Citizenship Income following the communication of the taking charge by the social services, as previously specified. Even the nuclei to which the limit of use of the Citizenship Income for the seven months does not apply (those with minors, the elderly and disabled) will have to submit an autonomous application for the recognition of the Auu, if they receive the supplementary share in the amount of the Income of citizenship, by the last day of the month of competence of the Citizenship Income in order to receive the Auu continuously starting from the month following the cessation of Rdc payments.