Cosenza laboratory of ideas. The pact between the Democratic Party and the socialists has been sanctioned


By John

The wide field experience, so dear to the centre-left, is widely tested in Palazzo dei Bruzi, since the beginning of Franz Caruso's board of directors. Operation watched with growing interest by the political world at all levels. Yesterday's meeting in the presence of the former minister Andrea Orlandofalls fully within this perspective.
A unified table between the Democratic Party and the PSI ready to be proposed again on a national level, and not only because important electoral events are looming on the horizon. The alliance, after all, goes beyond any forcing, evident in the course of recent history, albeit with ups and downs. The desire to celebrate the promise of an announced marriage in Cosenza looks far ahead and if the immediate priority is represented by the European ones, in the future the regional ones could be the objective to be achieved in unison, re-proposing that broad-minded coalition already established in the municipal chamber. From yesterday's demonstration in the San Nicola cinema a fairly clear message was launched, where Calabria-Europe means the political vision project pursued by both the Democratic Party and the socialists, culminating in a collective container in which more souls dwell.
And so the Bruzio capital is a candidate to become a laboratory of ideas with a far-sighted outlook, an example to be reproduced since it is one of the few cities to have a socialist mayor capable of putting together a team that draws liberally from the depths of a varied centre-left, made up of pieces of the Democratic Party and the Garofano, in fact, also containing exponents attributable to the Five Star Movement and Action.