“I'm also among those who are paying attention, but evidently they've drawn a blank because I don't think they've found any relevant information regarding me.”.
He said it Roberto Occhiutopresident of the Calabria Region and deputy national secretary of Forza Italia, speaking on “Tagadà”, on La7.
“I find it really hateful that there can be such practices. What amazes me most is that a financier can make 10 thousand accesses to databases that contain sensitive data, and the country knows it because a minister, Guido Crosettomakes a complaint. But what would have happened if the minister hadn't made the complaint? Would these attacks continue? How many other times has this happened in the past? It is truly shocking that sensitive data, which is also used by our institutions, is so vulnerable. I imagine that if there is someone who makes a certain number of accesses, the computer system that manages these databases should report it”.