Female work, uphill road in Calabria


By John

Lowest national female employment rate in Europe. And Calabria is no exception. It is a scenario that remains critical, in a complicated context such as that of the South, in which only Sicily and Campania fare worse. The most recent Istat data, from the third quarter of 2023, shows a employment rate from the Strait to the Pollino of 32.4% (55.7% for men), including the population of working age (15-64 years) and with any educational qualification. Therefore, even in conditions of “big fishing” the result is rather skimpy if compared with a national average of 52.2% in the same period, with significant variations between the North (62%), Center (58.1%) and South (35.7%). At a European level, the average employment rate for women skyrockets to 69.3%, as emerges from a Chamber dossier created by the research service of the Labor department of Montecitorio.