Jaan Roose’s feat on the Strait of Messina, the moment of the fall THE VIDEO


By John

Arriving at Torre Faro was the most difficult moment. Between the fatigue of the distance he left behind and that last stretch before the finish line on the pylon that was practically uphill. And at that moment everything was over, with the fall less than two hundred meters from the finish line that erased the record. A shame that does not erase a majestic feat. The start was at around 8:40 from the Calabrian side, at 265 meters (higher than the tallest Italian skyscraper), the finish in Sicily at 230 meters. Jaan therefore faced a difference in altitude of around 130 meters between the starting height and that of the central part. The crossing of the stretch of sea between Sicily and Calabria represented a monumental and daring sporting challenge for many reasons, from the enormous distance, to the difficult weather conditions, up to the complex environmental difficulties: the slackline was in fact stretched between the pylons of the former power line of the Strait, with points at different heights, creating a difference in height that required, even more, absolute precision.