The final word has almost arrived on the management of the “D’Ippolito” stadium after the bankruptcy, last November, of the Lamezia Terme company, which was supposed to manage the facility until 2027. The Municipality, with a decision last Thursday, revoked the concession, providing for the termination of the agreement with the now former yellow-blue club and the enforcement of the guarantee policy. At the same time, the municipal administration published a new tender for the management of the sports facility for the period from next April 1st to May 31st 2029. All associations registered with MePA, the electronic market of the Public Administration, can take part in the tender.
The municipal determination retraces all the stages that led to the termination of the agreement, also highlighting that serious and repeated non-compliances were committed: arbitrary abandonment of the plant, failure to send the annual report, failure to transfer and pay utilities (water, gas, energy electric). Reasons why a penalty of 500 euros was applied to the sports association. The Municipality also receives 34,185 euros for the reimbursement of utilities.